Personal Loan In India – Eligibility and Requirements

Posted by rupee on Saturday, August 25, 2012 Under: Personal Loan

The wants or personal desires of an individual are never ending. There are situations where an emergency situation can occur at any point of time and you put all your hard earned money there and suddenly you are left empty handed putting an end to all your personal desires.

Emergency situations can happen to anyone, but the main question that occupies the mind where to get the essential money that is required to tame the emergency situation. A personal loan may just prove to be a perfect option in these tough and testing times.

To begin with, a personal loan borrower has many personal loan types to choose from the personal loan in India. There are primarily two types of the personal loan which are secured personal loan and the unsecured personal loan.

In the case of the secured personal loan, a collateral equal to the value of the desired property must be furnished. Collateral is required because it generally provides assurance to the lender that the money will be paid back in time agreed upon by the personal loan borrower and lender.

The case is somewhat different when we look into the unsecured personal loan. Here in order to take the personal loan in India, the banks do not require any type of security as such from the personal loan borrower. This type of loan is only approved only if the borrower has a good credit rating as well as large amount of money to pay off the personal loan because this type of loan usually comes with the high interest rates.

In : Personal Loan 

Tags: personal loan  personal loan in india 

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